And here we go again. August: the most expensive and fattening birthday month of the year here at L&F. Three male birthdays to be squeezed in, all (rather satisfyingly) on multiples of 5. The fifth, tenth, and twenty-fifth to be exact. The real issue is the maleness. What on earth do you get men? Boys are easy - something to kick, throw, eat or break – but by the time they’re adults you’ve exhausted that seam. There surely isn’t anything hobby orientated that they haven’t got by then, and if they’re anything like the males in our family they aren’t interested in anything smelly or pretty. I refuse to resort to cash (not least because I always feel I have to spend more) so most of the year leading to August is spent agonising over what is to be done. And then there’s the cake! Only a Colin will do on the 5th; only a fruitcake on the 10th – and then to be fair absolutely anything at all will make the 25th happy, so long as there’s a lot of it. But all this means of course is that there is delicious, sweet, satisfying CAKE around all month. It’s a miracle we get any work done: at the very slightest drop of a hat we all down tools and have a tea break in order to have another bit. So apologies if your parcel arrives complete with crumbs. Believe me – it’s the least of our worries.