It feels entirely wrong to be writing about our new Spring designs and products, as yet another icy blast descends on L&F HQ here on the edge of the steppes. There’s nothing much between us and Kiev, and February and...
‘June just rains and never stops’ – so sang the wonderful Flanders & Swann a million years ago before we knew anything about climate change. Well, they may have had a point, and I’ve long thought that the wonderful Wimbledon...
Ian the Excellent Painter has been again. L&F HQ is a bit like the Forth Road Bridge before they invented a self-restoring paint, or whatever they did. No sooner has he finished than he has to start again – and...
Right. That’s it. It’s properly May now, and as believers in the power of positive thought, we are determined that the rain has finished: enough. And to celebrate? Well CAKE, obviously. Or in this instance, cakey muffins – we find...
We’re nothing if not consistent here at L&F. I’m writing this from the wilds of Argyll, looking out at wind and waves and SUN – yes, real actual sun in a blowy sky that’s blue and white and really exactly...
Second only to Christmas, Easter causes the most excitement here at L&F HQ. It isn’t just the chocolate, the hot cross buns and the simnel cake. I wouldn’t want you to think we’re ONLY motivated by food. It’s the daffodils,...
Oh my life … is anyone else out there as excited about tomorrow as I am? I’m a daughter AND a mother, and so I’m both giving and receiving tomorrow. If I know my daughter – and I think I...
Tomorrow is Granny’s 93rd birthday. 93! A matriarch to her core, the rest of the numbers are impressive too: 5 children (I’m number 3); 14 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren so far. So I hope you will indulge me if I...
Well I don’t know about anyone else, but I need a burst of colour and light and all things pretty and twinkly at the moment. February was the longest month in the whole year EVER and I for one am glad...
This year we’re a bit behind ourselves. We normally spend January restocking, and deciding which fairs to go to in the year ahead. This year we’ve done our big stock-take, reordered, designed and launched a new product, and started on...
It’s cold, wet and grey outside and the ONLY answer on a day like this, is pancakes. Not your thin little whispy crepe thingies: thick, delicious, warm and fluffy American-style pancakes. They may not be exactly what the doctor ordered...
Not just for each other and for mankind in general, but for our gorgeous new Peony Hearts! These beautiful mugs and jugs are available now to pre-order, and we’re confident that you’ll fall for their loveliness. Say goodbye to the...
Here we go again: we’re planning our next outing, this time to the Rutland County Fair. In eight days we’ll be set up and selling in the gorgeous market town of Oakham: come and see us, one and all. Our...
Coo! Well that was over in a flash: time flies when you’re busy and having fun: thank you to all who came to see and support us in lovely Thetford. What a hoot – it’s so exciting to see for...
It’s happening! It’s day one of the East Anglian Game & Country Fair (and Polly and Mr L&F’s 34th wedding anniversary, by the way). How better to spend the weekend than here in the sun? After a somewhat stressful week...
Half way through April already, and we’re preparing for the East Anglian Game & Country Fair, now only a week away. Just off the A11 on the Euston Estate near Thetford, it’s going to be huge – if you haven’t...
For small independent retailers, a Saturday between Bank Holidays is a curious thing. From experience it can be as dead as a doornail, or crazy busy: people are either away, or determined to make the most of a long weekend. ...
With Easter on the way, how easy would it be to churn out chicks and eggs?Not our way here at L&F though.We sometimes feel we only ever take the trickier route, but seasonality isn’t everything and cliché certainly isn’t.
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