Second only to Christmas, Easter causes the most excitement here at L&F HQ. It isn’t just the chocolate, the hot cross buns and the simnel cake. I wouldn’t want you to think we’re ONLY motivated by food. It’s the daffodils, the sun, the blusteriness that almost always seems to accompany the day. In Argyll it’s usually cold, but gold and blue and blowy. In Lincolnshire much the same, only without the sea spray blowing up. Our Hares do especially well at this time of year, and Napkins pick up again as people start to sniff the possibility of a picnic as the days get warmer and longer. So whatever your faith, and wherever you are, we wish you a very happy Easter full of the anticipation of (meteorologically) better days to come. I’m off to hide a great many eggs. Children, it seems, are always children.