‘June just rains and never stops’ – so sang the wonderful Flanders & Swann a million years ago before we knew anything about climate change. Well, they may have had a point, and I’ve long thought that the wonderful Wimbledon fortnight should be moved to … probably the south of France, actually. Here at L&F HQ we revel in the seasons, freezing and boiling but mercifully always with our heads above the water: we’re on what passes for a hill around here, and very thankful we are for that. Enough about the weather though: we have bigger things on our collective minds. Our new digital marketing plan has resulted in more contact than ever from people we really don’t want to hear from: scammers. Two years ago our Insta was hacked, and our numbers have never quite recovered – yet. It’s a true slog, this whole social media thingy, and a full time job in itself. It’s Isobel’s bag, of course, along with the design and product sourcing. (I used to flatter myself that I have a terrific eye for design, but it seems it’s somewhat …. ‘idiosyncratic’, shall we say.) She also does the styling, photography, website maintenance and pretty much everything else useful, while I hide in the office and rattle on my laptop – until, that is, it comes to selling, which I LOVE. So tell us – where do you want to see us next? More fairs please! (Which, come to think of it, Flanders & Swann also said … almost).