Is this the very best time of year? Possibly … although I tend to feel that at pretty much any point on the calendar. At the moment though, when not toiling in the L&F office, I’m usually bottom up in the veg patch. This week’s delicacies include carrot thinnings and beetroot tops wilted with garlic and chilli. Completely delicious – and this from someone who basically doesn’t like vegetables. Anyhow: apologies for the late arrival of this week’s thrilling instalment of country life but we have been super busy in Oakham all weekend, in the most spectacularly strange weather. Thousands of people flocked to the Birdfair, and were treated to thunder, lightning, rain, wind and sun – thank you one and all for making it such a success both for us and, far more importantly, all the wonderful conservation organisations represented there. It really does all make a difference!