The Rutland Show is tomorrow, and the weather forecast is fine, and we’re packed and ready … what could possiblygo wrong?  Thetford last month involved a midnight trip for one of us to A&E and we’re determined that no such dramas will interfere with our normal service this Sunday: to paraphrase and misquote the marvellous Lady Bracknell, ‘Once is a misfortune, more would be carelessness.’  So along with our beautiful mugs, jugs, ovengloves, reed diffusers, pot grabs, aprons, range-top (!) pads, cards, soaps, napkins, tea towels, candles and table runners (pause for breath) we have a fully stocked First Aid kit and pages of an exhaustingly comprehensive Risk Assessment.    Wish us luck: we’re simultaneously going to break the jinx, and sell lots in the sunshine.  Hurrah!