I’ve been in trouble this week. My last blog exceeded our self-set limit by almost 100 words. (Isn’t that the problem with Christmas though? Excess.) So, back to the briefer everyday story of rural folk. It has been a very dodgy week here, full of little incidents we could all have done without. Yesterday just about crowned it: I made the mistake of trying to close my window as I drove along, and with a CLUNK the whole thing fell into the door. It was raining, dear reader, and it’s a Land Rover which is about the most steal-able car there is, apparently, and we’ve had someone lurking around L&F HQ presumably casing the joint, again. So with a boot full of shopping and L&F supplies I tried three garages in the little local town before finding one who could help then and there. And did they ever help! They lent me a car overnight, swapped my stuff into it, ordered a new part and did a temporary fix to see me through until the new bit arrives – all this to someone they’d never met, and didn’t know from Adam. Or Eve. So I believe this is what they call a ‘shout out’ to any local readers to use Imperium Automotive in Bourne, and to anyone else to seek out local businesses. They’re worth their weight in gold – she said, modestly.