The eagle eyed among you will have spotted that we have just had the second of our August birthdays.  Mr I is … well, a year older than he was around now last year – and he put a very brave face on it.  This was no doubt made easier by the surprise appearance in Argyll of Isobel, who snuck up on the sly to help us celebrate.  And our wonderful friends of about a zillion years, who came from Northumberland for 24 hours.  We biked and walked and had a picnic and the sun shone and it was very jolly … and now that’s history and we’re on the home straight, with the last of the three, this time next week.  When we will be in Estonia with our army eldest who will celebrate his 30th and his first wedding anniversary by completing (have faith) the Tallinn Ironman, with his equally mad bride.  And lest you think we spend our entire lives on jollies, zooming from one sugar fueled crazy birthday bash to the next, fear not.  On August 26th we will be right back on the L&F grindstone, with Hallowe’en just around the corner and then (dare we even breathe it) Christmas.  I have to say that our impossibly cute little felt pumpkins are getting us in the mood beautifully and will no doubt fly off the shelves – last year, with pre-ordering, their predecessors were gone before they arrived.  So look out for the green light on those, and the other treats in store.  No trickery involved!